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Our Parish > Donate


Planned Giving

We thank you for your generosity in supporting our Parish.

The Planned Giving funds donated to Surfers Paradise Parish contribute to the running costs of our Parish: maintaining and repairing our buildings, maintaining our Parish grounds, providing a clean church environment, providing church publications, and providing professional Parish services.

An envelope Planned Giving Program exists within the Parish which assists in financial planning. However, we encourage giving to the Parish in the form of Direct Debit. Please contact the Parish office for our account details.

There are a number of ways available to support Surfers Paradise Parish. As an alternative to the collections during Mass, many parishioners utilise our PayWave Tap & Go facilities, eftpos machines, and our Parish Giving Application.

Bequests to Surfers Paradise Parish

It is a known fact; our parish has been the recipient of a number of generous bequests over the years that has benefited the parish in many ways.  This generosity has allowed the parish to build our churches, purchase land, youth programs and funds left for the needs of the parish.

Stella Maris is a great example of two very generous bequests which became the catalyst to building the church debt free.   Out of the generosity of 2 came 100’s of individuals and families.  Together the vision to rebuild became a gift to our parish.

How could your gift grow out of bequeathing to your parish?  So often the parish cares for families in their time of grief whose known generosity has been a great comfort to them. The person understood what their contribution would mean to a parish.   The person lived a hope filled Christian life and holding dear to Christ’s words “I will be with you until the end of time”.

Have you considered leaving a bequest to a hope filled Church.  History has told us that faith is like a mustard seed.  It starts small and our small seed of hope in gifting can grow into great trees beyond our capacity.

The wisdom that faith teaches us that when generosity is given its recipient might be the most unexpected.  In God’s economy all is counted and see.  All is used for the best.  God sees to the intention of one’s heart.

Please consider leaving a gift to the parish in your will.

Catholic Foundation

The Catholic Foundation works with individuals and organisations interested in providing support for vital ministries within the Archdiocese of Brisbane. Funds raised through philanthropic donations are used to improve future financial sustainability for the Church’s many programs, organisations and ministries.

Five key ministries for which funds are raised are:

  • Holy Spirit Seminary – ensuring the future of our faith by providing a home for seminarian education and formation
  • Centacare - supporting Catholic social services like domestic and family violence programs, psychiatric counselling and homelessness support
  • The Priests Foundation - caring for frail and elderly priests in retirement
  • Mary MacKillop Brisbane Catholic School Access Fund - providing a Catholic education for children of families facing financial hardship
  • Annual Grants Program – providing funding for grassroots ministries and programs

For more information or to make a donation, please click here.

Annual Catholic Campaign

The Annual Catholic Campaign is held across parishes within the Archdiocese once per year. Parishes support the efforts of the Catholic Foundation through promotion of the Campaign , which relies on the generosity of our parishioners to raise much-needed funds support our most vulnerable neighbours, help care for elderly, retired and unwell priests, the education and formation of our future priests, and Catholic school bursaries for children whose families are experiencing severe financial hardship.

For more information or to make a donation, please click here.


Leaving a gift in your will

Preparing your will is an opportunity to demonstrate the love you have for your family and community. After providing for your family, leaving a gift in your will is a way to support a cause that is meaningful to you and reflects your faith and values.

Some people choose to include in their will a gift (also called a bequest) to their local parish, or the ministries of the Church, to help continue our good work in the community.

There are three different types of Bequests.

Residual Gift

After you have looked after your family and friends, you may choose to leave the remainder of your state to support the Catholic Church. This is called a residuary bequest because it represents the residue of your estate.

Percentage Gift

You can choose to give a percentage of your estate to support any part of the mission of the Catholic Church. Giving a percentage of your estate rather than a set amount has the advantage of not being affected by inflation over time. Did you know that a gift of just 1% of your estate can help people in need?

Specific Gift

A specific gift (also called a pecuniary gift) is for a specified dollar amount or a specific asset. It could be a cash gift, real estate or shares, or any other specific item. This includes gifts for masses to be said for special intentions such as the repose of a soul.

Bequests can be of any amount.

It is important that you seek professional legal advice before preparing or updating your will.

Bequests can be directed toward:

  • Our parish
  • Archdiocese of Brisbane
  • Holy Spirit Seminary
  • The Priests Foundation
  • Centacare
  • Mary MacKillop Brisbane Catholic School Access Fund

Bequests to your parish

Our parish has established a perpetual endowment fund through the Archdiocese of Brisbane. You may choose to bequeath a portion of your estate to the parish generally or directly through the Parish Endowment fund. It is important that the correct parish name is referenced in a Will including the official address of the Parish Office. A full List of Parishes, and their addresses, is available from the Catholic Foundation or online here.

Our Parish

  • Parish name: Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
  • Parish office job:
  • Parish phone number: (07) 5671 7388
  • Parish email: su*****@bn*.au
  • Parish website:

You can find more information about these ministries on the Archdiocese of Brisbane Catholic Foundation website. 

The recommended wording for bequests to parishes and ministries is also available.

For a confidential conversation about bequests, please contact:

The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of Brisbane Bequest Program
p: 07 3324 3211
e: gi****@bn*.au

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